7 Tips To Take Care Of Headsets In The Right Way!

If they have decent quality materials and workmanship, a PC headset can last you in good condition for years if you have a series of precautions and that you give them a little maintenance. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know to take care of your headsets and that they last as long as possible in good condition, preventing them from warping or wearing out more than necessary.

You should keep in mind that if the headphones are bad, there is little you can do to keep them in good condition for a long time. However, decent ones can serve you for many, many years. On the contrary, no matter how good the headphones are, if not cared for properly, they won't last long.

So, how to take care of headsets?

How to Properly Care For Headsets?

Headsets can face many adverse events, especially depending on the type of user who uses them. For this reason, we are also going to tell you which type of earbuds is best for you, depending on whether you meet certain circumstances.

  • Clean your Earbuds

First, remove the rubber part of the earbuds and clean them with a damp cotton cloth. You can use a water-dipped toothpick to remove wax, dead skin cells and dust particles from the inner part of earbuds. Plus, carefully clean the wires to remove the accumulated dust.  

  • Be Careful With Headset Holders

Headset holders are a great accessory as they allow you to always position your headphones so they don't get in the way on a desk or their cables get tangled when you're using them. However, you also have to be very careful with them, because they're also to blame for much of the deformation that the headsets can undergo.

  • Keep your Headset in a Case

Store your earbuds in a protective case after using them. Roll the earphones in a relaxed coil shape before storing them. 

  • Unplug your Earphones After Use

Leaving your earbuds attached to your mobile or computer can lead to unexpected breakage. The cord can be pulled suddenly from the jack causing the copper cord to break from inside. Unplugging your earphone will protect the audio connector and the delicate area.

  • Pull Out the Plug, Not the Cable

Most people pull the cable Instead of the plug, which is directly connected to the source. You should grip and pull the connector while removing the headphone. Removing the cable will set additional stress on the connector, which will ultimately destroy it. 

  • Don't Turn Up the Volume Too High

Everyone is aware of the extreme volume levels while listening to music. Raising the volume can damage your headsets and blow out the speakers, which damages your headphones. 

  • Avoid Sleeping With Your Headsets

Sleeping with your headsets can bend or loosen the wires. Therefore, roll your earbuds in neat coils and put them in a case before sleeping.


If you have headphones or earbuds, start caring for them. Otherwise, you’ll soon lose the actual sound quality of your device. The more you pay attention to the headphones, the more likely they’ll last for a longer period of time. So, whether you have PLANTRONICS, JABRA or AVAYA headsets, each and every device requires special care.


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